
Key Packages
One of these packages must be purchased in order to get access to all the secondary packages below.
Item Item price (USD)
{{ data.packages2[line_item_index].full_description }} {{ data.packages2[line_item_index].price_usd }}.00 USD
Key Packages

No Key Packages available for this photo

Item Single item price (USD) Qty
{{ data.packages2[line_item_index].full_description }} {{ data.packages2[line_item_index].price_usd }}.00 USD {{ data.cart.count[item_index].secondary_packages[line_item_index] ?? 0 }}

no packages available for this photo

This is a group photo. Please provide a child`s name in order to purchase this photo:

Subtotal ($USD): {{ data.total_amount }}.00

+8.25% sales tax ($USD): {{ parseFloat(data.total_amount * 0.0825).toFixed(2) }}

TOTAL AMOUNT ($USD): {{ parseFloat((data.total_amount * 0.0825) + data.total_amount).toFixed(2) }}

*You will be redirected to a new page. empty